پست سریع بین المللی تی ان تی ایران

دفتر شیراز

۲ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «TNT-Iran» ثبت شده است

Send Out High Quality

ISO 9001 also called the Standard of Quality Management System seeks to create an intra-organizational system that manages quality. Management is including of planning, controlling, guiding, and supervising. Accordingly, under the circumstances of ISO 9001 such criterions supposed to be done through a specific quality approach.

One of the most significant concerns of TNT-Iran is to provide a customer-orientated approach based on the dynamic improvement of the intra-organizational system. In this regard, obtaining ISO 9001: 2015 demonstrates the principled training of TNT- Iran’s staff in order to satisfy their customers. The whole approach of TNT-Iran’s ISO system is to identify customer needs, as well as discovery of customer expectations and how to resolve them in the least feasible time. May we be along with you, having a mutual relationship in order to have both an ever-increasing advancement and customer-orientated services.

TNT-Iran Board of Directors

پست تی ان تی

ISO 9001: 2015

Generally, ISO standards are reviewed each 5 years. ISO 9001: 2008 was put under investigation by ISO supervisory board in 2013; and was finalized as ISO9001: 2015, in September; 2015. ISO9001: 2015 seeks for a higher-level structure having a wider perspective for not only the organization and stakeholders; but it also seeks to make it easier to be used as an interconnected system with other standard management systems. ISO9001: 2015 looks specifically at business threats, opportunities, and risks while ISO 9001: 2008 has not addressed such issues. As an organization requires demonstrating its capability through providing identical products and services that are in line with both the customer requirements and practicable legal and regulatory requirements, the implementation of ISO 9001: 2015 is the solution in this regard. Providing identical products and services means the organization ensures that the quality of its products and services would never diminish in time; that the organization is constantly seeking the best adequate feasible solutions, services, and products that lead to customer satisfaction.


A number of ISO 9001: 2015 benefits
- Product quality improvement
- Have a customer-complaint report system
- Compliance with legal product requirements
- Have tracking and identification system
- Have contract feasibility system
- Have qualified staff and staff training
- Chief executive officer commitment
- Determine the responsibilities and authorizations of each person
- Proper facilities and infrastructure




سخن مدیر کل

اینجانب معتقدم خاطرات باقی مانده در اذهان مردم یک کشور از میزان محبوبیت و ماندگاری خدمات یک سازمان دربین افراد یک جامعه حکایت دارد وبه خود می با لیم که پست تی ان تی در این تعریف در جایگاه بسیار مطلوبی در میان مردم ,سازمانها وشرکت های بزرگ,ارگانهای دولتی و...قراردارد.

این جایگاه نه به واسطه نوع خدمات بلکه به دلیل حسن شهرت کارکنان و مدیران پست تی ان تی در طی قریب به نیم قرن خدمت رسانی درراستای اصول مشتری مداری با استانداردهای جهانی به مردم به دست امده است.با توجه به تغییر ماهوی در نوع مدیریت این سازمان خرسندیم که روز به روز این مقبولیت در بین هموطنان عزیز بیشتر می شود.

مایلم اذعان کنم پست تی ان تی در سالهای گذشته با تغییر رویکرد و توجه به فناوری های روزشاهد تغییرات اساسی بوده است واهتمام ویژه ای به نیازهای جدید مشتریان در راستای رفاه مخاطبان خود انجام داده است.

در اخر خداوند منان را شاکرم که توانسته ایم در جهت خدمت رسانی با معیارهای بین المللی به هموطنان عزیز در جای جای دنیا به بهترین شکل عمل کنیم و مراتب سپاس را از پست جمهوری اسلامی برای حمایت همیشگی در طی این سالها به جا می اوریم .پاینده باد نام ایران.


I believe an organization’s memories left in the minds of a nation are consequence of the popularity and durability of its services among the people of that community; thus, I am convinced that TNT-Iran international Express Post Company in this regard is in a remarkable position among people, large organizations and corporations, government agencies etc.

This position is not due to the type of services, but of the good reputation of the staff and directors of TNT-Iran over half of a century of experience, through the globally standard framework of customer-orientation. Due to the significant change in TNT-Iran’s management nature, the organization is pleased that its reputation among compatriots is increasing day-by-day.

I would like to proudly acknowledge that according to both changing the approach of management and taking into account the up-to-dated technology, besides adapting the customers' needs for the better welfare of them, TNT-Iran has entered its new era of activities.

I am thankful to God for we have been able to best serve our countrymen through the international postal standards. Moreover, I would like to thank the post system of Islamic Republic of Iran for the constant support, during all these years.